In news: 3f31e9f5$0$15132$***,
Andi P <***> result was:
:: Someone who lurves Scott?
:: "user11" <***> wrote in message
:: news:bgsgno$rnrvh$***
::: In news: 3f307aca$0$28122$***,
::: Andi P <***>
::::: "user11" <***> wrote in message
::::: news:bgn7bo$qcpnn$***
:::::: In news: 3f2f1598$0$15134$***
:::::: AndiP <***>
:::::::: Is it true?
:::::: what the hell is a pedofail??
:::::: who the hell is gregory abrhams???
:::::: asshole
::::: U r nu around here right?
::: Oh yeah, I'm new here alright. If by new you mean been here for
::: years that is.
::: (LOL, what an idiot.)
::: So, I'll ask again: who the hell is 'gregory abrhams'?
::: ,
Hell, join the queue. We all love 'Scott'